
Diagnosis is aimed at creating an individualized treatment plan, determining the existing problems or lack thereof, eliminating possible inflammatory conditions or comorbidities. Based on the patient's digital image, x-rays and the interview taken during the consultation, the doctor can diagnose the patient, rule out contraindications and determine the extent of the procedures needed for the patient.
Podstawowym badaniem obrazowym jest:

3D scan

Most often performed examination at Beautiful Smile Monika Chaba Clinic. It allows to assess the condition of teeth and gums and mucous membrane.

Panoramic X-ray

It is an x-ray examination that makes it possible to detect inflammation around the tops of tooth roots, chronic caries, check the presence of tooth buds, check the correctness of endodontically treated tooth canals, and examine the anatomy of tooth roots and the structure of the jawbone of a given patient.

Cephalometric Projection

Allows to determine the direction of growth of the patient's face at the age of puberty, determine the gnatic nature of malocclusion, plan orthodontic treatment.

Cone Beam X-ray

used to accurately analyze the structure, thickness and size of the patient's bone, determine the position of retained teeth, and rule out inflammation.
We have the latest diagnostic equipment, so you will get all your tests done at our clinic in one visit!

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Beautiful Smile Monika Chaba
Gdynia, ul. Unruga 52
+48 570 202 202

© 2022 Beautiful Smile Monika Chaba